Monday, December 23, 2013

The Guestbook

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  1. Dear Laura - thanks so much for your question. I apologize for neglecting to answer sooner. For the last year of his life Texas had a brain tumor that grew larger and larger. I found out about it because he started to suffer seizures in the middle of the night, which I learned to help him through. However, a year after diagnosis, he had a terrible series of seizures on the night he passed, which the vet could not help. So, because of the damage to his brain and body, it was best to help him pass that night. That afternoon, Texas and I went on a long walk on a beautiful fall day. He was losing his sight in his eyes, but he still loved the day and our walk. I like to think he had the best last day ever: I was home with him all day, we were out in the world together, and then came home and spent the evening happy in our home. Thanks so much for asking. All my best, Texa's friend.
